Retirement Brightens for New Korean Foster Parents
Gabriel and Elizabeth Cho Asian American Foster Family Initiative Retirement Brightens for New Korean Foster Parents Excerpt from an...
If you’re ready to open your home to a child and share your love, KFAM would love to be your partner in the adoption journey. Licensed by the State of California Department of Social Services as a full-service adoption agency, KFAM’s AFFI Foster & Adoption program encompasses Foster to Adopt, Private (Domestic) Adoption, and Birth Parent services, which includes education, counseling, and support services. International Adoption services are in development and will be ready to launch in the near future.
As the nation’s only API-focused adoption service agency, AFFI specializes in recruiting Asian American families and matching them with children of similar cultural and/or linguistic needs. However, we welcome all clients, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, sexual identity, and religion.
Types of Adoption Services